How do I choose the right media to advertise in?

An integral part of your advertising campaign is choosing where to advertise. Which marketing and advertising channels and media will give you the best results for your investment? The right media will help you reach qualified consumers who are ready to take action, thereby increasing conversions. Choosing the wrong media can be a waste of your time and money.

But how do you choose from among all the media and channels available?

Should you advertise on social media? Should you advertise on news or specialized websites?

See where your competitors are advertising

By conducting a competitive analysis, you can find out where you can get the best results. Look at the media and ad formats your competitors are using. Are they running mostly video ads? Are they using social media? Since you share the same audience, studying their strategy will provide you with useful information.

Learn about your audience

You need to know where your audience is and what media they’re using to get information. Which social media do they spend the most time on? What kind of content do they consume?

For example, if you’re advertising your sale on Facebook, but your audience is only there to catch up on the latest news from their friends, it may not be the ideal medium or the one that will give you the best results. They won’t be receptive to your ad because they’re not in discovery or purchase mode. An email sent to your mailing list on a Sunday evening while your audience is online may be a more effective tactic.

Define your budget

Determine how much money you have to spend on your advertising campaign. You can then prioritize the media that will give you the best results, and even eliminate those that don’t fit your budget. Some media are more expensive than others. Television, for example, is the most expensive.

Even with online advertising, some advertising models are more expensive than others. That’s why you need to be very careful and evaluate which ones will have the greatest impact at the lowest cost. Most importantly, you need to make your choice based on your campaign goals and the media’s ability to reach your target audience.


Keep in mind that spending a lot of money on your campaign does not guarantee the best results. To avoid wasting money, craft your message carefully so that your ads reach the right customer.

Certain specialized medias, like, are less expensive than mass media and can give you better results, since the clientele is targeted. Your message will be broadcast to a limited audience, but who has an interest in your products or your offer. Don’t forget to include advertising production costs (visual, video, email, publication) in the cost of your campaign.

Think about frequency

When you’re deciding which media to use, you also need to think about how often you need to run your ads to get your audience to respond. You want your ad to be repeated enough, across channels and media, for the viewer to remember it without falling into the “oh no, not that ad again” pattern.

It takes at least ten exposures to get a customer to take action. But beware: one ad too many and your engagement collapses. For maximum effectiveness, we recommend multichannel campaigns that use a variety of channels in a unified way.

Learn more about the right frequency for your strategy.

Set and measure your goals

Knowing what you want to achieve is essential to success. Do you want to increase overall brand awareness or increase purchases during a sale? The ideal medium for your campaign depends on your ultimate goal.

For example, if your goal is to increase sales on Black Friday, you may want to create digital campaigns that encourage users to take immediate action. On the other hand, if your goal is to build brand awareness, your campaign will need to run over a longer period of time and include a more diversified media mix.

You also need to set realistic goals and analyze the results. This will help you determine which media to use in future campaigns.

Effectiveness of previous media purchases

When deciding which media to use, it’s important to understand what media purchases have worked well in the past to make sure you include them in your new campaign.

Finally, setting realistic goals, taking into account past experience, looking at what your competitors are doing, knowing your target audience, defining both the frequency and your budget will help you choose the right media. Your campaign will then reach the right user with the right message, at the right time and within your budget.

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