How to stand out in a competitive market

You already know that the retail business is getting tougher, and grabbing your customers’ attention is not getting easier! When you’re holding a sale, it’s essential to stand out from the competition!

Here’s how to stand out and optimize your sales.
Target your ad opportunity

Do you want to advertise just to advertise, or do you want it to be EFFECTIVE and reach the RIGHT PEOPLE?

That’s what we thought. You want to invest your time and money in the RIGHT PLACE. Increasing your advertising budget is not the only solution; targeting remains essential so that your sale is shown to the people most likely to be interested in it and thus obtain a better return on investment.

💡 Smart ideas

  • Choose the specific media that perhaps reach fewer listeners, but more targeted ones. The ad will cost less and will target the qualified consumers who are ready to buy.
  • Adding a personalized mailing to your package offers you a low-cost way to reach a clientele that’s interested in what you have to offer. With an average open rate of 45%, a targeted mailing is a personalized e-mail containing information about your sale—and it will help you stand out from the competition!
Advertise your sale in advance

Once you have chosen the right media to promote your sale, it is important to advertise your sale in advance.

By allowing your customers to make their plans in advance, more of them will come to your sale. If your competitors advertise their sale before you do, customers will already have planned on going there or buying the products they need at that sale. By getting the word out to customers before your competitors, it’s very probable that they’ll choose to come to your sale instead of to one at another company.

💡Smart ideas

  • According to our years of experience, advertising your sale at least 2 weeks in advance gives better results.
  • Continue posting during your sale to provide a continuous reminder to your customers and prevent them from thinking your sale is over.
Repeat, repeat, repeat

A well-known concept in marketing, called the Rule of 7, states that a brand has to come into contact with a prospective client at least 7 times before the client will consider buying a product or service.

In order to reach the most people and anchor your brand in their minds and memory, you need to multiply the channels/modes of communication because by doing this, you’re using repetition in your advertising.

💡 Smart ideas

  • Make sure your communication channels allow you to reach your clientele everywhere and on all kinds of devices (updated website, consistent presence on social media, growing and regular newsletter, etc.).
  • Reach at least 5 repetitions with your customers by using all the channels you have (promote your sale in your newsletter and social media platforms, Facebook or Google Ads campaign, etc).
Contact us NOW to make your sale a success!